2021-07-26 04:28:08
Ionic Mobile App Development

HTML5 based hybrid apps are in vogue! This is trending because of the growing demand for cross-platform mobile apps and the need for cost-effective alternate solutions. Here comes the role of the Ionic Framework. With more than 5 million apps Ionic is quite popular in the mobile app development community for the last few years.

If you are trying to come up with a new app for your business, why not consider Ionic. It’s an open-source UI software development kit created in 2013. And has gained a reputation as an incredible cross-platform mobile development technology stack.

Its modules are available via npm and require node.js installation to function. Ionic uses Apache Cordova plugins to build mobile apps using web technologies. Version 4 of the Ionic framework makes it easy to integrate with several javascript frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, but version 5 is cooler with iOS 13 design updates, new API for creating custom animations, updated Ionic colours, and more!

Advantages of Ionic mobile app development services

1. Developer Friendly.

Ionic is built on standardized web technologies, so it is easy for developers to build mobile apps. Front end developers can easily find resources to build ionic apps without having to learn languages like Kotlin or Swift or new skills.

2. Single Codebase

Ionic helps develop multiple apps using a single codebase. These apps can run on all mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows etc.) This makes it easy for developers to deal with bugs and maintain a robust and clean build. And needless to say faster turnaround time.

3. Hybrid apps

If you are using an ionic framework, then you need to develop hybrid apps just once. These Hybrid apps have uncomplicated structures despite rich interface and the result is enhanced UX.

4. Flexibility

Built on standardized web technologies, it is easy to customise the ionic app with just HTML and CSS modifications. Specifically, optimised CSS code easily delivers the same look and feel for an app across various mobile platforms.

5. Integration and Plugins

Ionic’s team offers a library of components and plugins including common app icons, front-end building blocks. Integration between AngularJS and Ionic results in a type of code that is easier to handle and manage. This makes changes and updates easier. Many plugins are also there to help developers to connect to native APIs like a built-in camera without the help of custom integrations.

6. Wide range of UI Elements

Ionic’s UI component library helps developers use a wide range of components to construct graphic user interfaces. It is easy to mimic the native look and feel without extra cost. Developers can use the code of a UI component for adding animation to a button or changing the order of a list of items.

7. Quick Prototyping

Thanks to ready-made UI elements, Ionic creates prototyping of the app in a short span of time. With the help of Ionic Creator, developers can speedily construct an interactive prototype but not the whole app.

Some other advantages include:

  • * Use of single code base across various platforms so low development cost
  • * Saves on resources, clients’ money and time
  • * No need to hire native developers
  • * Convenient testing due to built-in debugging tools and instrument
  • * Developers can code only in JavaScript allowing a wider audience to use Ionic.
  • * Ionic is excellent for rapid prototyping
  • * Faster time-to-market on both Android and iOS platforms.
  • * Eas to transform an Ionic app into a desktop application or PWA
  • * Strong community

If you are ready to build your app and searching for proficient and experienced mobile app developers, Mitiz Technologies can help you! Connect with our reputed web and mobile app development company, we offer enterprise mobility services and cater only stunning results.

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