2021-09-21 03:04:23
Which PHP Framework is Ideal for Your Web Development?

Present-day, every organisation aims to leverage its virtual reach and surpass its competitors to fulfil its business goals. All the web-related tools and technologies have progressed to meet the dynamic needs of businesses.

PHP has emerged as a top player for the development of web solutions. It offers different frameworks such as Laravel, Zend, CodeIgniter, and CakePHP. It is important to choose the right PHP development framework to create unmatched web solutions.

How should you choose a PHP development framework?

Meets your development needs: Does the framework contain capabilities to handle your web development requirements.

First and foremost figure out, what you want to develop. Is it a website, an eCommerce store, or a social networking platform?

To create a blog, you need a framework that offers a rich plethora of themes and plugins. If you are planning to launch an eCommerce store, you need to check for parameters such as payment gateways, inventory management, shipping, and taxes.

Evaluate your needs and then pick a framework that blends with the goal of the web application.

Documentation: A comprehensive documentation helps you understand the nitty-gritty of the framework. You get extensive documentation to understand the workflow and disguised anomalies (if any).

Programmers find it easy to grab the source code and create web applications. Hire PHP developers at Mitiz, who are competent to create custom solutions to accelerate your business growth.

Community Support: Getting acquainted with all the technical aspects of the framework takes time. You’ll need assistance to understand the working and functionality.

Dedicated community support proves helpful when you need solutions for the technical glitches that you face.

Some Popular PHP Frameworks

CakePHP: CakePHP is an open-source framework that is popular for its embedded security. Hire CakePHP developers if you are looking forward to developing shopping carts, blogs, portals, and microservices.

There is no default language in CakePHP. The programmers can choose from multiple languages. You can use CakePHP easily and access the database with no hassles.

Yii2: Yii2 is a pepped-up PHP framework that pairs well with AJAX and HTML 5. It is a superior option to create web 2.0 applications with reduced development time.

You can easily deploy Yii2 and handle errors efficiently. Yii2 allows easy integration with 3rd-party components to boost the capabilities of web applications.

Zend: Zend implements the MVC architecture and is suitable to create enterprise-level applications. It has developed partnerships with tech giants such as Adobe and Google.

Zend is known for its robustness and security. If you need to customise the web applications to cater to your needs, use extended plugins.

Laravel: Laravel is a free PHP framework that features easy to use interface and offers native support for the cache. You get access to a rich array of plugins and can create forms in different languages.

Laravel makes dependency injection and testing easier. It has a practical application structure and offers high security.

Phalcon: Written in C, Phalcon is the ultimate choice if you want a framework with accelerated execution speed. It has an active user base and is easy to learn.

Phalcon is packed with rich features that facilitate the development of outstanding web applications.

No matter, if you don’t have an understanding of the PHP frameworks, our experts are ready to help you out. Hire dedicated PHP developers at Mitiz Technologies. We understand your needs and strive to deliver powerful PHP solutions that help you grab a competitive edge.

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